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Woodside Twp (north of Alton) Oregon Co MO
Sec 3, Twp 24, R 4W Approx. 4 1/2 mile N of Alton off Highway 19 to Rd #412 to cemetery 1/10 mile.
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 36.7681, Longitude: -91.3878
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Lawson, Millie No dates. |
Lewis, Carlyle Dec. 18, 1923 - Dec. 20, 1923. |
HUSBAND & WIFE: Little, Clyde O. 'Buster' 1915 - Apr. 13, 1962. Son of Joseph Little & Mary Lena Jackson. Little, Hazel L. Moore May 3, 1909 - Apr. 21, 2002. Daughter of William L. Moore & Rosa Ellen Winfrey. Born at Phillipsburg Laclede Co MO; died at Austin Travis Co TX. |
HUSBAND & WIFE: Married Jan. 19, 1941. Little, Elige Feb. 21, 1904 - Dec. 13, 1979. Son of Robert Little & Elizabeth Lancaster. Little, Pearl Susan 'Suzie' King Lyons Jan. 19, 1919 - Jul. 13, 1995. Married also Frank Lyons. |
Little, Infant Born & died Feb. 19, 1939. Premature daughter of Clyde O. Little & Hazel L. Moore. |
Little, Mary Oct. 21, 1851 - Jun. 9, 1927. Married James M. Little about 1880. |
Little, Rosemary Jan. 6, 1947 - Jun. 10, 1972. Daughter of Clyde O. Little & Hazel L. Moore. |
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