Alexander Quincy Matthews (original spelling was Mathews) - Born April 5, 1824, in Tennessee. He came to Osage County in 1845, with his sister, Sarah Green Matthews, and the following brothers: Thomas C. Matthews who settled near Byron; Samuel Jerome Matthews who settled a few miles from Mint Hill; William L. Matthews, who lived in Osage County part of his life; and Bartlett Matthews, who settled near Bland. An older brother, James Alpheus Mathews, came to Gasconade County in 1835 and made his home just north of Owensville. Alexander Q. Matthews married Beditha D. Boyse, daughter of John Arthur and Mary Scrimpture Boyse, and they moved to a farm which his father had purchased for him near Mint Hill. Mr. Matthews was a farmer, a Primitive Baptist minister, and he was active in community affairs. He lived a busy and active life, but it was cut short when he died July 29, 1859, at the age of a little more than 35 years, He was buried in the Harris Cemetery near his home. His wife, known to many as 'Aunt Biddy', lived in the home with their children and did the work in the home and on the farm. Their children were (1) John Frank Matthews, born Jan. 4, 1849, married Pauline E. Agee; he was a Primitive Baptist minister and farmer. Their children were William Quincey Emory, Ida (married George Carnes), Leonard, and James Lennox. (2) Claiborne L. Matthews, born Mar. 14, 1852, married Maude Hudspeth and their children were Alice Georgia and Charles. (3) Samuel Jerome Walker Matthews, commonly called Walker was a Missionary Baptist Minister. He married Belle Agee, and their children were Pearl, Leslie, Fanny, Donald, Gladys and Paul. (4) Gilbert L. Matthews, born April 12, 1858, married Mary F. Herndon, and their children were Delbert and Ada Vona (wife of Ed. Laughlin). (5) Lydia, married John Pummill and their children were William, Rebecca Ada, Joe, Arthur, Lawrence, Everett, Elva Frank and Dena. (6)Sarah Arabelle, born 1854, married William Sidney Starr and their children were Lucy (married William Noltensmeyer), Walker, Houston, Austin, Gusta (Hood), LiIIa (married Louis Schriemann),and Lula. Beditha (Boyse) Matthews, born in Tennessee on May 29,1828, died near Mint Hill on June 15, 1913, and she was buried in the Harris Cemetery. Mary Mathews, mother of Alexander Q. Matthews is also buried near her son in the Harris Cemetery. She was born March 22,1781, and she died May 17, 1864Sarah Green Matthews sister of Alexander Q. Matthews, married John Wesley Hawkins and they reared a large family of children. They lived near Mint Hill.The Matthews family was of early pioneer and Indian ancestry. The father of the family was captured in Tennessee by a hostile tribe of Indians. When he was about to be killed, he was rescued by friendly Indians who saved his life and took him to their home. He fell in love with an Indian maiden and married her. Many of the Matthews descendants have the black hair and dark complexion of their remote Indian ancestors.["History of Osage County" by Hallie Mantle; Osage County Observer; February 26, 1970]
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