Herbert John Davis
Mar. 7, 1911 -. Jan. 12, 1974
Herbert John Davis was the son of Jesse B. Davis (1872-1961) and Ara Lummie Henry (1876-1948). He married Dorothy Lee Bell (1921-2002). Herb's elementary education was received at the Pond Hollow School on Hurricane Creek in Shannon County, and he graduated from Winona High School in 1930.
Conservation Accomplishments: Herbert J. Davis was hired by the Missouri
Department of Conservation as a Refuge Manager for the Big Springs Refuge in
Carter County in 1939, two years after a vote of the people created the
Department. The pay was $25 per month and he was provided a badge (number 31), a
horse for transportation, and a cabin with no electricity or indoor plumbing to
live in. His primary duties were to help increase the deer population by
planting food plots and to enforce the new Missouri Game and Fish Laws of
Missouri. In early 1944 he was drafted into the U.S. Army.
After returning from his service to the country in Central Europe, the
Rhineland, he returned to employment with the Department of Conservation as the
Refuge Manager of the isolated Irish Wilderness Refuge in Oregon County and then
later transferred to the Carmen Springs Refuge in Howell County near Willow
Springs. After World War II, the economy in this country was booming with the
demand for housing of the returning troops, however pay with the state woefully
lagged behind private sector salaries. In 1952 he decided to go back to farming
on the Davis Farm on Hurricane Creek in Shannon County. The timing couldn’t have
been worse as these were severe drought years in south central Missouri. In the
fall of 1953 he accepted a position with the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service at the Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge near Havana, Illinois. After
three months at Chautauqua, he received a letter and a visit from an employee of
the Missouri Department of Conservation. They informed him that they had
purchased a section of land in the northwest corner of Carter County and wanted
him to oversee the development of the area. This area, at that time, was home to
one of the last viable populations of wild turkeys in the state. Game biologists
had earlier attempted to release pen reared birds, but those efforts had failed
and they realized that only actual wild turkeys could survive. The department
needed someone with his outdoor savoy, farming, and refuge experience to oversee
the development of game food plots, and ponds on the area. For a brief history
of the early wild turkey restoration program mentioning Peck Ranch you can visit
the following website:
It speaks highly of his character, because it was very unusual for the
department to rehire an individual who had resigned, but it was apparently a
unanimous decision among the top brass within the Game Division of the
department that Herb Davis was the right person for the mammoth task ahead.
Herb accepted the challenge and on Christmas day in 1954 he packed up his family
and returned to his home state of Missouri to begin the planning and
construction of a huge project known as the Peck Ranch Wildlife Area. With
protection from poaching, ample food, and ponds the plan was a success, wild
turkey populations increased rapidly in a relatively short time. In the late
1950's a cannon net used to trap waterfowl at Swan Lake Refuge in Northern
Missouri was modified and used very successfully to trap wild turkeys. This
allowed for turkeys to be captured and released in other areas of the state.
There are no official records, but his daily diaries indicate that out of the
approximately 2,000 wild turkeys captured and released, at the time of his death
in September of 1974, Herb had trapped over 1,800 of those, in addition to
training others. The program was a huge success due to the team effort of land
owners and change in attitudes of people in general, and is a program that has
placed Missouri as a leader in conservation efforts. In 1960 the first modern
day turkey season opened in 14 Southern Missouri Counties. For the past several
years all 114 counties are open for spring and fall turkey seasons in part due
to the efforts, blood, sweat, and tears of Herbert J. Davis. Peck Ranch in
recent years has become a huge outdoor wildlife laboratory, where studies are
done on everything from song birds, bobcats to collared lizards and elk.
Whenever you have the thrill of seeing a wild turkey, a deer, or just enjoy a
walk with nature, you will perhaps remember the efforts of a former Winona High
School graduate.
Military Record: In addition to the outstanding contributions that Herb Davis
made in conservation he was also a World War II hero. He was inducted through
the Selective Service into the U.S. Army in March of 1944. After basic training
he was shipped to the Central Europe Theater in November of that year, just as
the German Army was making a last offensive move. This action would become known
as the Battle of the Bulge. He was assigned to Company E, of the 407th Infantry
Regiment of the 102nd Infantry Division. The 102nd Infantry Division was called
the Ozark Division, because the early conception was to have this unit composed
of hardy young men from the Ozark region of Arkansas and Missouri. The war
efforts of the Ozark Division’s march through Germany can be documented at the
following website:
Herb, like other veterans of war, never talked much about his service. However,
his military records show that he was awarded two bronze stars and several other
awards as a light mortar crewman (bazooka man).
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