The Current Wave
May 7, 1891
The Business Portion of Winona Swept By Fire:
Between Thirty and Forty Thousand Dollars Worth of Property Destroyed.
At 5:40 p.m. on Friday last, Mrs. Lewis' Hotel on
Front Street was discovered to be on fire, when the whole town was
immediately aroused and all hands rushed to the rescue, but the fire had
caught near the centre of the roof and was beyond control before it was
discovered, and all under the circumstances that could be done was to
save the contents, and endeavor to save the buildings on the East and
West side of the fire. A small force was placed at the Millinery Shop
owned by Mrs. Randolph, the first building East of the hotel, which, by
hard and energetic work succeeded in stopping the fire in that
direction, but as the wind was coming from the East it was soon found to
be a matter of impossibility to keep the fire from destroying the
buildings on the West, so the whole force went to work removing their
goods as the only hopes of saving anything from the ravaging element.
The second house that went down was the Winona Hotel, owned by Mrs. J.
G. Pettitt and occupied by Mrs. McMullen, then followed Sills'
Drugstore, Robertson's Saloon and Hall, Gabe Matlock's Barber Shop, the
Post Office, Miss Kate Sullivan's Millinery Shop, the Grand Central
Hotel owned by Crandel Robertson and operated by James Huntly, J. M.
Huggins' Grocery and
Confectionary Store, Mige & Berkley's Saloon, James Robinson's
Restaurant, Joseph Marie's Butcher Shop, the Commercial Hotel
owned and operated by D. C. Reed. At this point the fire crossed the
street and consumed George W. Brown's residence, a dwelling owned by
Mrs. J. G. Pettitt, the Star Drugstore, Buffington & Reary's Livery
Stable, L. W. Keen's large business building, V. Anderson's Feed and
Provision Store, Dr. Hasler's Drugstore and dwelling, and all the
outbuildings on that side of the street. The fire was finally checked at
the residence of Mrs. Rice, in the West end of town, Mr. J. B.
Wilkinson's in the Northwest, and at George W. Hoover's and Easton
Ealy's in the North. The whole forces concentrating their work at these
points, and by almost superhuman efforts succeeded in staying its
further destruction. Only one building, Robertson's Icehouse, was burned
on the North side of Pike Creek, but there was not a single building of
any description left standing on Front Street from U. M. Randolph's as
far North as the creek bed and West to the residence of Mrs. Rice. G. W.
Brown carried a small policy of $300 on his residence, but none of hte
rest of the property, as far as we have been able to ascertain, had any
insurance upon it whatever. The fire lasted seventy-five minutes and in
that time consumed 31 business and dwelling houses, several dogs, 2
calves, 3 hogs, and a large number of turkeys
and chickens. Many men and women in this
city, names too numerous to mention, came to the rescue and worked with
a willingness, courage and energy which showed a high type of character,
and in this particular we almost forgot to mention Superintendent
Hardwick and the Fishertown boys; Mr. Hardwick closed down the mill and
came with all his force of hands when he fire was discovered and did not
cease their efforts until the flames were subdued. There were other
buildings burned and goods destroyed and stolen which will probably
raise the grand total of losses to between thirty and forty thousand
dollars, and many people think the loss will exceed our last mentioned
After the fire many things were stolen, and the losses in that direction
alone will probably exceed $1,000. Taking it all-in-all it is the most
disastrous calamity that ever befell the people of this community, and
it will take several years to recover the losses. Several business men
are preparing to rebuild, and we hope to see a much improved condition
of affairs in a short time.
The fire caught from a defective flue which is only another evidence of
The following are the individual losses as far as we have been able to
Mrs. Lewis: House and household goods, $1,000.
Mrs. Pettit: Two buildings, $1,500.
Mrs. McMullen: Household goods, $300.
W. R. Sills: Household goods and drugs, $800.
L. C. Cochran: 2 Buildings, $1,000.
___ Roberts: Ozark Saloon building, $1,000.
Parties in Springfield: Houses, valued at $3,000.
Robertson Brothers: Grand Central Hotel, Icehouse and liquors, $2,000.
D. C. Reed: $6,000.
G. W. Brown: Residence, $900.
T. W. McCandless: $900.
Buffington & Reary: Feed and Barn, $1,000.
L. W. Keen: Store Building, $1,000.
Vince Anderson: Building and Provisions, $1,000.
Dr. Hasler: Residence, Drugstore and contents, $1,000.
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