1963 Death Certificates Index
Adams, Pearl May Cooley
Barnes, Cora Jane Jones
Barnes, Irven Arthur
Bettis, Walter Eugene
Bowden, Florence Ann Borem
Boyd, Joseph J.
Bradford, Fannie I. Pierce
Brawley, Maggie Buckner
Brown, Jessie Isabell French
Brown, Virgie Alice
Cochran, Edna E. Schneider
Cox, William Oliver
Crotser, Molly Brandon
Fair, Bill Davis
Galbraith, Norman Clay
Hamm, Lovell Lindsey
Harper, Cora
Haynes, Claude Jackson
Hedrick, Clarence LeRoy
Hiatt, Reuben Harrison
Honeycutt, Columbus Theodore
Jones, Sarah Florence Dyer
Kenna, Joseph William
Key, Joseph William
Loftin, Alva
Marie, Frank H.
Martin, Joseph Otto
Martin, Nora B.
Martin, Tom
McBride, Marion Summerville
Messenger, Efton
Moger, Sallie Ollie Chastain
Naney, Emma Alice DeSpain
Nichols, Elmer Othel
Orchard, Margaret Pleu
Powell, Ferdnando Farmer
Rose, John
Smith, Mattie Ellen Brooks
Spurgin, Isaac Anderson
Tedder, Lula Nickles
Thomas, Nancy Elizabeth Conway
Torrey, Margaret LaPeyre
Tucker, John B.
Voyles, Thomas Dwayne
Weaver, Elsie May Pyrtle
White, Thomas Jefferson
Whitney, William Roger
Certificates Index

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