1932 Shannon County Death Certificates

Adams, James A. Deatherage, Dora May Mead, Rhoda Conway Smith, Billie
Anderson, Celia Meyer Deatherage, Myrtle Gregory Metz, Charles Smotherman, William
Atkins, William A. Dixson, Bobby Dean Patterson, Nancy Staton, John
Basham, Ollie Pearl Kelly Dixson, Bonny Jean Peschall, William Stephens, Charles
Bay, John Thomas Duncan, Abraham Phillips, Charles M. Stout, Edwin
Beaver, Carl Ferguson, Cyntha Hart Pierce, Nathan Swiney, Bobbie
Bird, McDonald Ferguson, Varis Price, William Harless Swiney, James
Black, Sarah Davis Frazier, Buford Lee Prugh, Marjorie Talley, Dianna R. Kiger
Bland, Roy Hawkins, James Pyrtle, James Terrill, Mamie Purcell
Blewett, William Fawckner Heorrbaugetches, Joseph Rader, Lawrence L., Jr. Thompson, Junior
Bowen, Arminta Eaton Hiney, Buck Ray, Julia Warren, Robert
Broce, Dan Hunt, Gordon Robinson, Rodman Warren, Rosa Schmidt
Burris, Julia Bolding Johnson, Carl Ross, Daclan Franklin 'Frank' White, Charles
Carr, Marie Hughey Langdon, George Rowden, George Arthur White, Willia Coker
Casey, William Lee, Joel Thomas Russell, James Walter Wilkens, Gordon
Chilton, Donald Matthews, Nancy Williams Sanders, Harvey Williams, Jewell
Chrisco, Alfred Mayfield, Joann Robbins Seaman, Margaret 'Jennie' McClellan Wilson, James Samuel
Counts, Martha Harper McCann, Vaudie M. See, Clyde Young, Billie
Cox, Andrew McDermott, Marcus Sellars, Clarence  


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