1919 Death Certificates Index


Alfon, Parthena Luney Gosnell, Lou Creesia E. Chance Moore, Infant of J. P. & Lillie Tartar, Harvey Ivey
Allcorn, Myrah Jones Parks Gosnell, Minnie Ellen Nance, Ashley Taylor, Jessie M.
Anderson, Elizabeth Evans Haeffner, Harry Howard Niston, Dora Chilton Meade Teague, Abram McGee
Blankenship, Mahalia Piles Hardwick, Joseph Richard Overcast, Amelia M. Seaman Thomas, Dessie
Blodgett, Ethel May Harris, Nancy J. Garrison Pogue, Charity Chitwood Thomas, Eliza Jane Brown
Boyd, Jane McHenry Hays, Henry H. Potts, Barbara Pankey Thomas, Glenn Logan
Bradbury, Martha Prewitt Heiss, Lydia E. Summers Powell, William Henry Thomas, Infant of Sidney & Martha
Brickey, John Lester Heren, Caroline Counts Price, Mary Jane Yearwood Thomas, Walter Arlan
Brawley, Joseph Henry James, Verna May Priest, John T. Underwood, Everett H.
Buffington, Acie Jackson Jones, Evalyn Ramsey, Ida Bell Unknown Man
Caruthers, Arnold Keeling, Julia Rebecca Ratliff, Bud Voyles, Nicholas Marion
 Clouse, Loney Gordon   Memorial
has Loney G., son of John A. Clouse
Keeney, Robert Lee Reasner, Rachel Gripper Warren, Hannah Adams
Coats, William Benjamin Kenton, Mitchell Rose, Curtis Clinton Watkins, Evaline Green
Cooley, Ethel Hartman Lewis, Infant of Joseph & Lucinda Roush, Allie Rose Weaver, Alcy D. Hill
Cooley, Walter M. Long, Joseph Russell, Hester White, Cora May Tucker
Dinger, Paul Richard Long, Infant of J. J. & Jane Russell, Charley White, Gertrude
Dixon, Rosie Newton MacBee, Francis Scammey, Mleta Jane Hurt 'Leta'
Wofford, Viston Marvin
Earleywine, George Mahan. Alex Scamney, James Victor Wofford, William Arthur
Esmond, John Thomas Martin, Ethylle Wynn Adeline See, George Robert Yates, Mary Jane
Fansler, Ruby Mayberry, Minerva McLemore Sitton, Roy W. Yates, Mary Jane Denning
Ferguson, John Mayberry, William Jasper Smith, Hiram Thomas Youngblood, Angus
Ferguson, Solomon McHaws, William C. Sutton, Mary Frances Youngblood, Henry Garfield
French, Hazel Marie Medlock, Violet Sutton, Nancy Jane Taylor  




Death Certificates Index






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