1912 Death Certificates Index

Adkins, Charlotte May

Adkins, Melissa Bandy

Adkins, Seth Williams

Alberts, William

Armstrong, Marty

Backhem, Della M.

Barnett, Lula Bell

Belew (Birlew), Charles Calvin

Beller, Robert Leonard

Birlew, Pearl

Bland, Vergal

Bolin, Hirklas (Hercules) U.

Bordwell, Infant of Isaac and Zola

Brown, Lucinda

Bryant, Alice Alpha

Bryant, Robert L. Owen

Chaney, William Frederick

Chilton, Mary Ann McCormack

Cochran, Elza Marshal

Conway, Gertha Lena

Cook, Mary Mahan

Cook, Ruby Hazel  

Counts, Rebecca Chilton

Cox, Bethey

Crafton, Orville Edward

Crawford, Leo David


Davis, Myrtle Jones

Dinger, Marie Mallick

Dodd, Ivy Lee

Duncan, Ray Hampton

Dye, William C.

Eaton, Sylvester

Fancher, Rosa Lee Pogue

Farris, Mae Lottie Shelton

Farrow, Jasper Newton

Faulkner, Wesley

Fisher, Martin L.

Ford, John C.

Frederick, Willie Cecil

Fry, Edward

Goforth, Lora Lenna

Gower, Myrtle Evelyn

Greeley, Robert Randell

Greene, Thomas J.

Gunter, Clara

Hargis, Martha E. Willenwirth?

Harris, Pernecy Harriet Woolsey

Harris, Samuel B.

Helderbrand, Elizabeth Hanna

Hiney, Stella May

Hood, James Washington

Huskey, Elizabeth Crabtree



Kehres, Charlodtt Arlene

Lindsey, Ella Duncan

Loyal, John

Mahan, Minerva Jane Carpenter

Martin, Mary Ellen Nora Honeycutt

McAdams, John Ernest

McCall, Laura Jane Kile

McClellan, Graham G.

McElya, Mildred

McEntire, Louis Lee

McGaugh, Mary Tracy

Meyers, William J.

Miller, Moses

Nickles, Lena Laura Euke

Nubrugge, Caterena

O'Dell, Grace Womack

Orchard, Francis Lee

Parsons, Robert Edward

Paschall, Ruth

Penn, Jennie

Phillips, Jettie

Plank, Thelma Marie

Purcell, Harlan

Pyles, Harrison Elijah

Randolph, William G.

Renfrow, Mary 'Della' Pendlan



Riden, Joseph Warren

Riley, Elmer

Ritchie, F. Ian

Roush, Gladyes E.

Sellars, John

Shafer, Frances Gunter

Smith, Benjamin N.

Smith, Ruby Lucille

Springer, Edgar

Steelman, Infant of William & Estella

Stephens, Fanny

Strain, Benjamin F.

Summers, Manervia Springer

Thomas, Uria Lee

Tripp, James W.

Turner, Hugh

Vann, Thomey M.

Wallace, Samuel Franklin 01, 02

Ward, Lula Marcella

Welch, Current R.

Williams, Leland Earl 01, 02

Wilson, James Warren

Wood, William H.

Yardley, Joseph S.

Younger, Elsie Vann

Zane, Frank 




Death Certificates Index




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